Deals on phones and plans Small and Medium Business Bell Canada
Get Canada’s fastest and most reliable 5G+ network for your whole team.1
The latest phones on Canada’s best 5G network for your business3
Exclusive for Business Mobility customers
Get a $200 bill credit when you sign up for Business Internet.5
Business Gigabit Fibe 1.5
$139.95 per month
LIMITED-TIME OFFER: Get Internet on us for up to 3 months.*
Price subject to change as per contract.
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Based on a third party score (Global Wireless Solutions OneScore™) calculated using wireless network testing in Canada against other national wireless networks. See Available with compatible devices within Bell Mobility’s network coverage areas. Offers subject to change without notice. 5G/5G+ access requires a compatible device and a compatible rate plan (even if a 5G/5G+ symbol appears on your device). Coverage is approximate, may vary and may not include indoor coverage; see Speed, performance and whether a 5G/5G+ device uses the available 5G/5G+ network depend on various factors including: your rate plan, topography, environmental conditions, the current serving radio conditions at your location and whether the device is actively downloading or uploading data. Access is subject to Bell’s management of network resources, using methods which include Internet traffic management practices. See
LIMITED TIME OFFER: (*) Internet promo for up to 3 months at $0.00/mo. with a 3-year contract on an eligible Business Internet package. Promotional rate with a 3-year term and is subject to an annual increase of up to $10; see Early cancellation charges apply. The term, upon expiration, will renew automatically for the same period.
LIMITED TIME OFFER: (*) Internet promo for up to 3 months at $0.00/mo. with a 3-year contract on an eligible Business Internet package. Promotional rate with a 3-year term and is subject to an annual increase of up to $10; see Early cancellation charges apply. The term, upon expiration, will renew automatically for the same period.
- 5G+ performance and speed claims are based on a third party score (Global Wireless Solutions OneScore™) calculated using wireless network testing in Canada comparing Bell against other competitive national wireless networks while actively using 3500MHz spectrum. 5G/5G+ offered with a compatible device in areas within Bell Mobility’s network coverage; see ↩
- Valid on 2-year Bell SmartPay. Offer not eligible on primary lines or new activations switching from an affiliated wireless brand or that have reactivated within the last 30 days. Based on an initial price of $74 net of $25 second line discount. ↩
- Based on a third party score (Global Wireless Solutions OneScoreTM) calculated using wireless network testing in Canada against other national wireless networks. ↩
- Over 24 months with Bell SmartPay™ on an eligible 2-year plan. Compared to our device full price. Connection Service Fee ($60) applies. ↩
- $200 bill credit will be applied on Bell fees owed on the account after activation. Credit is non-transferable, non-reimbursable and has no cash value following cancellation of service. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Any change made to services may affect the price and/or result in the loss of credits or promotions, as the case may be, as eligibility conditions may vary. ↩
- With new activation of a Samsung Galaxy S24 128 GB with an eligible 2-year plan. Amortized taxes on the financed amount are payable with your monthly device payments. Purchase financing provided by Bell Mobility, on approved credit. Cost of borrowing is $0. If you end your Bell SmartPay Agreement early, then your remaining device payments will become due immediately. If you are ending your Service Agreement at such time as well, the remaining balance on your Agreement Credit (plus applicable taxes) will become due immediately. ↩
- Offer available to current Small Business customers with a continuous subscription to an eligible Internet package and an account in good standing for one billing cycle following Internet activation. Offer available with new activations on eligible 30-day BYOD plans (excluding Personal, Tablet and Mobile Internet plans). Rates are subject to change. Offer not eligible on new activations switching from an affiliated wireless brand or that have reactivated within the last 30 days. One-time Connection Service Fee ($60) is applied on your first bill to activate your device on the Bell network. Taxes extra. Any change made to the services may affect the price and/or result in the loss of the credits or promotions, as the case may be, as eligibility condition may vary. ↩
- Offer available in store only. Based on the trade in of iPhone 15 Pro 1 TB and SmartPay with Device Return Option over 24 months on an eligible plan. 0$ down, 0% APR. Must trade-in an iPhone 15 Pro Max 1TB in pristine condition to be eligible for the full $780 credit. Credit amount depends on the value of the device; not all devices are eligible. For online trade-ins, credit applies on the 2nd or 3rd billing period; for in-store trade-ins, credit applies at time of purchase on device or accessories price, after taxes. Requires an eligible Bell rate plan. Must be 18 years old and legal owner of the device traded in. Max one (1) device per trade-in. Device must power on and be functional. See for details. If you upgrade early, your remaining device payments and agreement credit balance, as applicable, will become due immediately, as well as any Device Return Option deferred amount. ↩
- Percentage discounts are based on pricing, exclusive of promotional pricing. Additional exclusions may apply. ↩