Samsung Smartphones & Tablets
Why choose Bell for your new Samsung.
Canada’s fastest 5G+ network.1
Save up to $800 when you trade in.
Please expand the combo boxes before making selections. Once you select a manufacturer, then a model, the results will be displayed immediately on the same page.
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How to get your trade-in credit
- Online: if you’ve purchased a new phone or upgraded your phone online, you can trade in your old phone online. Once we establish the trade-in value, we’ll apply a bill credit to your Bell Mobility account.
- In store: trade in your phone, tablet or watch and use the credit to lower your monthly device payments.
The value displayed does not reflect special offers shown above. The trade-in amount will depend on the condition of your device, including whether:
- the device powers on
- the keypad and/or touchscreen are functional
- the screen and/or body are cracked
- there are signs of liquid damage
- the battery and battery cover are included
More great devices from Samsung.
Samsung Accessories
- 5G+ performance and speed claims are based on a third party score (Global Wireless Solutions OneScore™) calculated using wireless network testing in Canada comparing Bell against other competitive national wireless networks while actively using 3500MHz spectrum. ↩
- Smartphone must have a minimum trade-in value of $25, in addition to our device trade-in price. If you upgrade early, any remaining monthly device payments and your remaining Agreement Credit balance (if applicable) on your current arrangement are payable. Must be 18 years old and legal owner of the device traded in. Max 1 device per trade-in. Rebate applies at the time of purchase on the price of the device and/or accessories in-store after taxes. For online trade-ins, a payment (in the form of a bill credit) for the trade-in value will be applied to your Bell Mobility account in the first or second bill cycle. Amount depends on the value of the device; not all devices are eligible. Device must power on and be functional. See for details. This amount will be reduced when required by the Wireless Code. ↩