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How your participation in Bell’s tailored marketing program will help reduce random and frequently irrelevant advertising while protecting your privacy.

Advertising is a reality in today’s world, and people find that they receive ads that are irrelevant to them. With our tailored marketing program, Bell will work to ensure that the offers participants receive when using our services may be more relevant, rather than random marketing ads. In other words, participants won’t see more ads, just more relevant ads.

Tailored marketing means Bell will be able to customize advertising based on participant account information and service usage patterns, similar to the ways other companies have been doing for some time. We may use detailed URL and location info for marketing purposes, or to limit the number of irrelevant ads a user might see (for example, if an offer is not available in the participant’s geographic location). Participants who have Bell services, if they consent, will enable Bell to use information including Internet browsing, streaming, TV viewing, location information, wireless and household calling patterns, app usage and the account information when provided when services are obtained from us where such information is available and associated with the participant. The tailored marketing program is based on services purchased from Bell over time. If only one of our services is subscribed to, then only the usage information from that service will be available to inform tailored marketing. As services are added, additional service information will be available to help the program deliver even more relevant ads and/or offers across more platforms. Learn more

Bell’s marketing partners will not receive the personal information of program participants; we just deliver the offers relevant to the program participants on their behalf.

Participants in the tailored marketing program may enjoy a number of benefits, including additional advertising relevance, meaningful cost savings, and knowledge of local promotions. Examples include:

  • A local travel agency may want to advertise vacation deals by sending a special offer via banner ad or pop up ad to people that have an interest in ‘Travel’ based on their website and app usage. We may look at the top websites browsed, or apps used, by an audience near the agency’s location.
  • Similarly, an outdoor equipment retailer may want to advertise a sale on television shows and movies that are most often watched by a demographic that demonstrates a strong interest in ‘Sports’ and ‘Travel’.
Remember, participants can change their mind about what services they would like to include in the tailored marketing program or opt-out altogether at any time by visiting Participation is not a condition of paid service from Bell.

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